One of the aspects that makes Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School so special is the contributions by the school community: teachers, parents, parishioners, and neighbors of the school. Parents of students have a variety of ways to contribute to the school - ranging from participation on either the PTT or SAC to ad-hoc volunteer opportunities around key holidays and school events.
The Parent/Teacher Team (PTT) is comprised of parents and the school principal who support the mission of the school through service, special projects, family social events, and fundraising efforts.
The dedication of the Parent Teacher Team is necessary so that we can continue to offer high quality programs and initiatives that wouldn’t necessarily be part of the school budget. Over the years, PTT fundraisers have provided for new playground equipment, bleachers, Chromebooks, iPads, updated wireless to the school, library books and furniture, and items for P.E. classes.
"We are most thankful for Fatima because in addition to being a nurturing and preparatory school environment, it is truly a community. The older students love being buddies for the younger students, which builds a great supportive school network. Beyond that, teachers know students they have never even taught, the principal knows all the students names, and the families all watch out for each others’ children."
~ Fatima Parent
Our Lady of Fatima’s School Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of parents who provide the pastor and principal with insight on school policy and evolving issues. The council is not a grievance board and does not have any decision-making power. Members do serve as a sounding board for the administration and as a resource to the school community to present comments, issues, and suggestions for consideration. Many subcommittees assist in the growth and enrichment of the school each year.
School Advisory Council (SAC) is focused on school goal evaluation, planning, policy, finances and budgeting, PR, marketing, and building and grounds assessment acquisitions. The committee is led by a volunteer parent, Fr. Henri, and Principal Ms. Lisa Taylor. Other committee members are volunteer positions. SAC meets once a month.
"I have had the chance to feel even more connected to the Fatima community by volunteering on the School Advisory Council. Serving on the SAC has given me the opportunity to learn more about the incredible efforts made by our school faculty to make this a wonderful place for our children to spend their days.
SAC has also helped remind me that we all have the responsibility of ensuring our school's success for years to come. Not only have I had the opportunity to get to know Ms. Taylor, Fr. Henri, and the SAC parents better, I have also felt more connected to my children by understanding a little better the school they love so much."
~ Laura Hamilton, Former SAC Chair
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is part of a larger parish community of 1,246 registered families. In addition to School Mass every Wednesday at 8:15am, the parish offers Mass as follows:
Saturday • 5:00 PM
Sunday • 7:00 AM • 9:00 AM • 11:00 AM • 5:00 PM
Monday • 6:30 AM
Tuesday • 6:30 AM • 8:15 AM
Wednesday • 6:30 AM • 8:15 AM
Thursday • 6:30 AM • 8:15 AM
Friday • 6:30 AM • 8:15 AM
Saturday • 8:15 AM
For info about Our Lady of Fatima Parish, visit our parish website at