Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten will donate wipes, clothes, and shoes to the Gabriel House. The collection will be November 11-22.
Kindergarten will walk to the Meridian to take residents small tokens of their affection such as handmade cards and pictures. They will spend time with the residents, making connections and keeping them company. This stewardship activity helps the students understand they need to give of their time to visit the sick.
Kindergarteners will work together to beautify and care for the OLF outdoor campus. Each class will clean up the parish and school grounds by picking up trash and recycling items one afternoon during the summer, autumn, winter, and spring seasons. Students will learn and describe reasons why it is important to care for God’s earth and living creatures. St. Francis of Assisi will guide their execution and knowledge of how we can all begin to protect God’s beautiful creation.
As followers of Jesus who focus on the Corporal Works of Mercy, First Grade will demonstrate care and concern for those less fortunate by collecting gently used, clean coats. The coats will be donated to Coats for Colorado and distributed to over 120 Colorado charities. Coat collection will be October 14-24. Coats of all sizes, adult and children, are needed.
The Second Grade students support the mission of the Little Sisters of the Poor at Mullen Home. Mullen Home welcomes in the elderly where they are cared for as a family in a loving environment. In November, they will create Thanksgiving placemats with a personal message for the residents. They offer prayers for the elderly while making the placemats. By providing comfort to the elderly they are, in a small way, showing them that their age and wisdom is appreciated and respected.
Third Grade is partnering with Water with Blessings as a Fall Stewardship project. This organization helps women around the world by equipping and empowering them to filter clean water for their families and neighbors. Third Grade will be raising money to help purchase filters for these women and their families. Students will not only be helping in making a difference, but will also be learning about the Water Cycle!
Fourth Grade will be collecting children’s clothing to be donated to “Clothes to Kids Denver” in October to fulfill the Corporal Work of Mercy to clothe the naked.
The Fifth and Sixth Grades will collect diapers for the Gabriel House. The Diaper Drive will run from November 4 to November 22. This project will allow students to give to mothers and babies who need assistance.
Seventh Grade will assist at the Gabriel House a few times throughout the fall semester to help sort donated clothing, clean storage areas, and help in any other ways seen fit by the Gabriel House staff. This is a wonderful opportunity to aid others in need.
The Eighth Grade will be sorting clothes at the Gabriel House, working at Food Bank of the Rockies, writing cards to soldiers and to imprisoned Christians around the world through “Open Doors”. They will be hosting a turkey drive for the Samaritan House in November as well. All of these projects follow the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy of giving food to the hungry, clothe the naked, and to visit the imprisoned.